Saturday, January 21, 2012

Be the Change

Snow Patrol, Called Out In The DarkFallen Empires, 2011

We are listening and we're not blind,

This is your life, this is your time

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. Why pick a certain time of the year to set forth new goals? Why not think of and achieve new goals every day? I don’t like the idea of setting new goals at the start of the year because to me, it doesn’t take the start of a new year to start over. We as people are constantly reinventing ourselves, discovering new things, and solving problems. I set goals and expectations for myself every day to some extent, so I don’t really feel the need to designate a certain time of the year to put new behavior or habits into action. I think we’ve all heard the phrase “new year, new you,” but that phrase doesn’t mean much to me; there isn’t a designated time frame on our lives, anything could happen at any moment, so why constrict ourselves to only being motivated to take action at the start of the new year?

I wouldn’t say that I have a specific New Year’s resolution, but I have been working on a few things since my last post. I’ve been trying to spend more time figuring out what is going on in the world around me, thinking about others, what I can do to help them, and the power of positive energy. Thinking about these things gives me a greater appreciation of how lucky I have been in life despite certain circumstances. Keeping those things in mind, 2012 will be my year of leading by example. As Mahatmas Gandhi often said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We can all be that change in 2012 with some time and effort!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Consistency is Key!

It's hard to believe we're already almost half-way through January; 2012 is officially underway. We're entering that pivotal time when the routine has returned, the festivities have died down, and the resolutions are being tested. Have you kept yours up for these two weeks? It's fascinating to note that 20% of people let their resolution go once February hits and 82% of people have made the same resolution before.

We can approach those statistics with humor, or we can think on what that says about our character, drive, and attitudes. It speaks to how hard it is for us to stick with goals. In everything - be it exercise, studying, or life - consistency is key.

But what about as it relates to people? Is it important to be consistent with others? Definitely. And that's a part of my "resolution" for the year.

Let me first say that I'm not much of a resolution maker. As a personal trainer, I'm continually reminding clients of their goals, but truth be told, I operate on a more general framework than setting specific goals and resolutions for myself. While everyone is different, resolutions make me feel claustrophobic and tightly bound; I can't remember the last time I made one on New Year's Eve. Instead, I choose to focus on a new direction, path, or theme that I want to see in my life each year. And whether you're setting a goal or choosing a direction, consistency again is key if you want to see change and forward movement.

My theme for 2012 is "I am second," which centers around my desire to put my relationship with Jesus and others first, my needs and wants being second to others'. Life is too short for me to be selfish with my time, and I have received too much to put myself first. Moreover, as I reflect on the last year, I'm amazed at the many incredible stories I've heard from survivors across North America and am motivated to keep their stories in the forefront of my mind. I desire to be a consistent friend to those who have shared so much with me. Consistency in relationships means lasting bonds, and while I do believe that people come into your life for different seasons of time, it's still important to put work into each relationship and invest in others.

As a supporter to my survivor husband, I am continually reminded that people count above all else, and I am so grateful for his life and health post-treatments. But it's still far too easy for me to put myself first and be self-serving, and this is an area in all my relationships I want to consistently practice the principle of being a stronger second.

This is my focus: to be second, to be second with consistency! Whether you're in the middle of treatments, just coming through them, or have been clear of your cancer or tumor for years now, my challenge to you is to ask yourself: What can I be more consistent in this year? It might be small steps like choosing to consistently eat a healthy breakfast every day or drinking more water. It might be committing to an exercise program (whether that's simply a walk around the block or joining a gym) and actually sticking with it this time. Or, it could be more consistency in your relationships. Either way, we could all use a dose of consistency in our lives!

Here's to a fresh start to the year ahead - a year in which we commit to be consistent. Live well & be well, friends,

Bonnie is a mobile personal trainer in Calgary, Alberta and blogs about living a healthy lifestyle and offers fitness tips at her website, Life to the Full. She also leads outdoor adventure trips with her husband Mike for young adult cancer survivors. For more info, please visit: Survive & Thrive Expeditions, Inc.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 New Year's Resolution - Galvez

A new year always brings with it hope. Every January, I rack my brain thinking of ways to make the coming year the best year of my life! That being said... I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be a great year. In this time of personal reflection, I realized that I need to start taking better care of myself. With a health crisis/brain tumor under my belt, I have noticed that my eating habits have really degenerated over the last few years. Diet and Exercise need to play a large role in survivorship.  While I still am pretty religious about my exercise habits, I have noticed that I have developed some bad eating habits. Fried food, candy, and junk food have become my "escape" from reality. Bad habits are forming, but I can still do something about it. The new year is the perfect time to challenge myself again. I WILL EAT HEALTHIER IN 2012. I will eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food. I'm not completely giving up junk food because that is CRAZY! I will however go with the healthier alternative when given a choice. A friend challenged me with a bet to improve my eating habits last month. I feel much healthier and I want to carry the momentum over to 2012 Most New Years resolutions don't stick.  I consider this more of a 2012 Personal Challenge to eat healthier, than a resolution.  I do realize that I may have physical limitations that I cannot control, but I can still prevent further health situations from arising.  Do you have any New Years Resolutions in 2012?

Are you Ready to be a mAss Kicker?

We think ALL Tumors Suck! We believe a stronger community needs to be formed to more efficiently fight these diseases. JOIN THE MASS KICKERS ARMY! Content here will be provided by real people who have been affected by tumors/cancer. Any one can be a "mAss Kicker". When facing a new intimidating diagnosis it is easy to loose confidence. We've found that the "Right ATTITUDE" will help get you through a difficult time! Are you ready to be a "mAss Kicker?"